Espresso 3.0 B2 Download

Espresso 3.0 B2 Download

How to cite?

Quantum ESPRESSO is an Open Source distribution. We shall greatly appreciate if scientific work done using Quantum ESPRESSO will contain an explicit acknowledgement and the following references:

P. Giannozzi et al., J.Phys.:Condens.Matter 21, 395502 (2009)

1x USB 3.0 1x USB 2.0 1x micro USB port: Expansion: 2x 46-pin GPIO headers for accessories and shields with I2C, GPIOs, PWM, UART, SPI, MMC, etc. Misc: Reset button, JTAG interface: Power supply 12V DC jack or 5V via micro USB port: Power consumption Less than 1W thermal dissipation at 1 GHz.

P. Giannozzi et al., J.Phys.:Condens.Matter 29, 465901 (2017)

(Full reference, BibTeX format). Please also see the user documentation of each specific package for further recommended citations.

How to download?

Sources:Quantum ESPRESSO is currently distributed as source packages, but selected binary packages for Linux, Mac-OS X and Windows are also available. The current stable version can be downloaded from:

  • GitHub (recommended), or alternatively from
  • GitLab (click on the 'cloud with a down arrow' to download);
  • GitLab repository of GPU-enabled version.

Please read the 'release-notes' file for information on major changes and problems. Patches and updates are available on GitHub: see the 'Assets' list at the end of the release notes. The latest development version, in branch 'develop', is available on GitLab and mirrored on GitHub.

The Schrödinger-enabled version of Quantum ESPRESSO can be downloaded here.

The RISM-enabled version of Quantum ESPRESSO can be downloaded from Satomichi Nishihara's git repository.

Virtual Machine: A fully configured Ubuntu virtual machine that can be run from Windows/Mac-OS x/Linux/Solaris is available on the Materials Cloud site. It contains Quantum ESPRESSO and much more (4Gb).

Binaries: Binary packages for Linux are available in the Debian stable and unstable distributions, courtesy Michael Banck and DebiChem team.

Binary packages for Mac-OS X are available in the Science section of Macports.

Windows binaries are made available by AdvanceSoftware Corp. See also the SCM site.

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(last updated: Jan 14, 2020)

Latest version


Light-weight ASE calculator wrapper for Quantum Espresso.

Project description

#+Title: Decaf Espresso
#+Author: Jacob Boes
#+OPTIONS: toc:nil
#+LATEX_HEADER: setlength{parindent}{0em}
* Introduction
Decaf espresso is light-weight [[][ASE]] wrapper for Quantum Espresso with convenient features inspired by [[][ase-espresso]]. The goal is to produce a simplified version which allows for most of the non-interactive functionality without so much of the verbosity of ase-espresso. The code is meant to be short and segmented into logical portions to help those who are new to Quantum Espresso learn more easily. The majority of the simplification comes from farming out the =io= functionality to ASE, which also amounts to less code to maintain.
- Input units are eV (similar to ase-espresso) and converted automatically.
- All input keywords are identical to Quantum Espresso to prevent confusion. See: [[][QE Inputs]].
- Automatic validation of (some) parameters inspired by [[][Vaspy]].
- Straight forward record of default parameters used for simplified documentation.
- Automatic handling of calculation node scratch assignment for general clusters (SLURM, LSF, PBS/TORQUE), to prevent unnecessary disk-io.
- Automatic handling of MPI execution of general clusters (SLURM, LSF, PBS/TORQUE) and intelligent assignment of k-point parallelization (npool).
- Specific executable setups for compatibility on SLAC, Sherlock, and NERSC clusters. (works out of the box)
- Has post-processing functions which are not yet available in ASE.
- Written in Python 3
- DRY code with extensive documentation.
- Not all post processing features available from ase-espresso have been implemented.
- No support for interactive ASE without efficiency loss
- Not all parameters are currently validated or tested (such as DFT+U parameters).
- Limited testing in Python 2 and will not be supported moving forward.
* Installation
** Pip installation
decaf-espresso is most easily installed with pip using:
pip install decaf-espresso
For Mac OSX, homebrew can be used in place of pip
brew install decaf-espresso
For usage on high-performance computers, installation will need to be performed locally which can be done using:
pip install --user decaf-espresso
These commands will install all of the necessary dependencies for you.
** Source installation
Alternatively, a version with the most recent commits can be installed through git by running the following in your home directory.
git clone
Then, add =~/decaf-espresso= to your =PYTHONPATH= by adding the following line to your =~/.bashrc= file.
export PYTHONPATH=~/decaf-espresso:$PYTHONPATH
Once cloned, the requirements and be installed by running the following commands (Add the =--user= argument if needed):
cd ~/decaf-espresso
pip install -r requirements.txt
* Parameter Validation
Parameter validation is currently performed for the arguments which I use most frequently for my calculations, but the general formula for validation is easily extensible by anyone. The basic idea is that any [[][Qunatum Espresso Input]] with a similarly named function in the [[./espresso/][validation module]] will have the entailed function executed if the parameter is input by the user.
For example, If I were to initialize a calculation as:
#+BEGIN_SRC python :results output org drawer
from espresso import Espresso
calc = Espresso(kpts=(1, 1, 1))
Will execute the similarly named validation function:
#+BEGIN_SRC python :results output org drawer
def kpts(calc, val):
''Test k-points to be 'gamma' or list_like of 3 values.
Only automatic assignment is currently supported.
if val 'gamma':
assert isinstance(val, (tuple, list, np.ndarray))
assert len(val) 3
If an invalid input is used, and exception will be raised.
#+BEGIN_SRC python :exports both
from espresso import Espresso
calc = Espresso(kpts=(1, 1))
: Traceback (most recent call last):
: File 'Org SRC', line 3, in <module>
: calc = Espresso(kpts=(1, 1))
: File '/home/jboes/research/decaf-espresso/espresso/', line 62, in __init__
: new_val = f(self, val)
: File '/home/jboes/research/decaf-espresso/espresso/', line 226, in kpts
: assert len(val) 3
: AssertionError
TODO: Make a more helpful validation error.
** Writing a validation function
Each validation function follows the simple formula:
#+BEGIN_SRC python :results output org drawer
def parameter_name(calc, val):
''Helpful docstring.''
assert # An appropraite test here
return updated_val # optional
Where =parameter_name= is the exact name of the Quantum espresso parameter, and =(calc, val)= are always passed as arguments. Here, =calc= is the =Espresso= calculator object, which can be used to all other calculator parameters and =val= is the user defined value for the given parameter which can be directly tested against.
In decaf-espresso, validation functions also server the double role of updating certain values. For Example, Quantum Espresso takes units of energy in Rydbergs, but eV are more commonly used in surface science. So, any validation function which takes Rydbergs will also return and =updated_val= which is the value converted to Rydbergs from eV so the user can specify inputs in eV. This sacrifices some readability, but avoids looping over extra lists of known value types, helping keep the code DRY.
* Example scripts
Usage of the calculator are shown below for varying structure types.
Additional exampled coming soon.
** Molecule relaxation
The example below will relax an H_{2} molecule using some standard flags. Below is the rational for some of the flags used.
- =ecutwfc=: A required argument, represents the energy cutoff for the wave functions.
- =conv_thr=: The threshold for considering a total energy converged. DFT is only accurate to about 0.1 eV at best, so 1e-4 should be sufficient for most use cases.
- =degauss=: Gaussian smearing coefficient. This is a non-physical contribution meant only to help atomic structures with d-bands converge correctly. For molecules we set it to be small.
#+BEGIN_SRC python :results output org drawer
from espresso import Espresso
from import molecule
parameters = {
'calculation': 'relax',
'input_dft': 'PBE',
'ecutwfc': 500,
'conv_thr': 1e-4,
'degauss': 0.01}
atoms = molecule('H2', vacuum=6)
calc = Espresso(atoms, **parameters)

Release historyRelease notifications







Download files

Download the file for your platform. If you're not sure which to choose, learn more about installing packages.

Files for decaf-espresso, version 0.3.1
Filename, sizeFile typePython versionUpload dateHashes
Filename, size decaf_espresso-0.3.1-py3-none-any.whl (20.0 kB) File type Wheel Python version py3 Upload dateHashes
Filename, size decaf-espresso-0.3.1.tar.gz (16.5 MB) File type Source Python version None Upload dateHashes

Hashes for decaf_espresso-0.3.1-py3-none-any.whl

Hashes for decaf_espresso-0.3.1-py3-none-any.whl
AlgorithmHash digest

Hashes for decaf-espresso-0.3.1.tar.gz

Hashes for decaf-espresso-0.3.1.tar.gz
AlgorithmHash digest